World Environment Day

It's World Environment Day!
Today is a day to help raise awareness across the world about our environment and its current state. AusJourney, like so many other outdoor education/activity providers, relies on the health of our environment to continue providing unique and beneficial experiences for our clients.
Outdoor education has many benefits, from encouraging curiosity to giving students of all ages the invaluable chance to experience true transferable experiential learning within a natural environment. It however faces a variety of challenges due to the impact humans are having on the environment. This is why AusJourney would like to call out the great work Outdoors People for Climate Change (OPCA) are doing in voicing their concerns for climate change and standing for enhanced action.
Their mission is to empower people within the outdoor community to take climate action. AusJourney is proud to support them!
Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, outdoor activity provider, educator or worker they are asking for your support to raise awareness as climate change takes major impact on the environment. With their four purposes; Engage, Empower, Connect and Represent, there are many ways you can help to support this great movement.
By supporting organisations like OPCA, you too can help make a difference. To find out more or to join the climate movement, head to their website here.